Kaleigh Sawyer

Call for emerging professionals

The ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on 20th Century Heritage (ISC20C) is an interdisciplinary organization dedicated to conserving and celebrating 20th-century heritage and places around the world. The ISC20 includes a Bureau of officers who undertake the day-to-day work of the committee and lead Committee wide activities that aim to advance conservation of 20th Century heritage

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Call for presentations – isc20c 2023 agm

Dear ISC20C members, As you know, the ISC20C ANNUAL MEETING will be held on Friday 1 September 2023 at theSydney Opera House, 9:00-12:00 (AEST Australian Eastern Standard Time), followed in theafternoon by a half-day seminar entitled TWENTIETH CENTURY HERITAGE ENVIRONMENTALSUSTAINABILITY AND CLIMATE CHANGE, 1:30-5:00 (AEST), which will be a ICOMOS GeneralAssembly side event, open to all registrants. Virtual attendance

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Upcoming Seminar:

Conservation of 20th Century Architectural Heritage: Research, Education and Practice ORGANIZERS: Corso di Restauro Architettonico, Master Degree Ingegneria Edile-Architettura, Università di Pisa | ICOMOS Italia – National Scientific Committee on 20 Century Heritage | BACO Baratti Architettura e arte Contemporanea Archivio Vittorio Giorgini | ReCube: REthink, REvive, REuse Transmitting the knowledge for the green regeneration

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Heritage in the Shadow of Conflict – ICOMOS Summer School 2022

Save the Date – 24 – 25 June and 1 July 2022, online  In conflict situations, uncertainty and unease shape the perception of the future. Reality begins to melt away, like a sandcastle being pulled into the sea by a wave. As cultural practitioners and future professionals in the field of heritage conservation, we are always confronted

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