Heritage Applause

The Heritage Applause project publicly celebrates and promotes outstanding personal, private, government and corporate initiatives that support the conservation of twentieth century heritage places.

The ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Twentieth-Century Heritage (ISC 20C) HERITAGE APPLAUSE! Awards proposes to formally recognize outstanding examples of conservation initiatives from community groups, individuals, government agencies or corporate entities that successfully conserve Twentieth-Century heritage places.

This may include projects ranging from inventories and surveys, through publications, blogs and websites to advocacy campaigns and education projects, conservation management plans, strategic conservation initiatives, the personal conservation efforts of individuals and community groups, interpretation initiatives and adaptive re-use projects. It does not include architectural design work or physical restoration projects.

Triennial awards will be made at the close of each Bureau term (2023).

Initiative Leader’s Contact Info:
Name: Sheridan Burke, burkesheridan@gmail.com
Bureau champion: Stefania Landi, stefania.landi@ing.unipi.it