Climate Change and Heritage

The document The Future of Our Pasts: Engaging Cultural Heritage in Climate Action. Outline of Climate Change and Cultural Heritage, prepared by the Climate Change and Heritage Working Group of ICOMOS in 2019 (see link below), contains an outline and the vision on how climate change can affect cultural heritage and how cultural heritage can contribute to climate solutions through risk management, adaptation and resilience strategies, as well as mitigation, projecting from the past into the future. It also provides a baseline for further activities, studies and debates on this most urgent and significant topic of our times. As the International Scientific Committee focussing on heritage of the twentieth century, and therefore to a large extent on buildings and urban structures of an era that contributed greatly to the change in climate we are witnessing, ISC20C engages with pertinent questions such as the appropriate ways of adapting 20th-century heritage to the needs of the situation.