About ISC20C Initiatives
The scope of activity, interests, and responsibilities of the ISC 20C are organized in four groups of initiatives presented below. Each group of initiatives, Policy, Advocacy, Education and Communication are managed by a team of two Bureau Vice Presidents. In turn, each team of Vice Presidents overseeing a group is charged with identifying and facilitating the engagement and active participation of ISC 20C members. They actively seek to align individual member’s interests with a particular initiative. Members and prospective members should seek out the appropriate Vice President to explore the scope of initiative activities and become actively involved with initiatives of interest.
Bureau Organization:

Bureau Members Responsible: Leo Schmidt & Enrique Madia.
The initiatives in the Policy Group are focused on evolving and sustaining a broad awareness of the core ISC20C values and policies. This group is also responsible for collaborating with the work of other ISC20C initiatives and ICOMOS International Scientific Committees on issues of common concern and interest and contributing the knowledge and perspectives 20th Century heritage.
Bureau Members Responsible: Stefania Landi & Dumitru Rusu.
The Advocacy Group initiatives focus on 20th century heritage resources at risk, efforts to raise awareness of vulnerable significant properties not under immediate threat but neglected physically and culturally. The group also seeks to communicate, through the Heritage Applause initiative, conservation and preservation successes as case studies of the positive outcomes associated with stewardship.
Bureau Members Responsible: Susan Macdonald & Grethe Pontopiddan.
Education is a vital and active scope of the ISC20C’s work. This group of initiatives is focused on developing the future leadership of the ISC 20C, ICOMOS and disseminating, with the Policy Group, new developments in thinking, programming and implementation related to conservation theory and practice. Maintaining a resource toolkit for general use is an important function of the group.
Bureau Member Responsible: Sangeeta Bagga & ISC20C Emerging Professionals Group.
Being international in membership and scope, the development of effective forms of communication is a core mission of the ISC20C. This group manages membership, the website and social media platforms, is responsible for organizing annual meetings and is developing an ISC20C archive as an additional member resource.