Hotel National, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
ICOMOS Moldova and the ISC20C, in collaboration with B.A.C.U. Association ( Bureau of Art and Urban Research), has released a Heritage Alert regarding the Hotel National (1974) by A. Gorbuntsov and V. Shalaginov, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. The Heritage Alert is in reaction to the announcement during the 2022, that the owner of the National hotel, has requested authorization from the the Municipality of Chisinau to demolish the National Hotel. The ISC20C supported the conservation of the National Hotel in Chisnau, Moldova, through a Letter including an urgent request to reconsider demolition and redevelopment of the Hotel, written by Jack Pyburn to the Prime Minister Ms. Natalia Gavrilița and to the Mayor of Chisinau Mr. Ion Ceban (11 October 2021), with the collaboration of Dumitru Rusu and Stefania Landi. The case was brought to the attention of the ISC20C by Dumitru Rusu and the BACU Moldova NGO. In July 2022 a reply was received from the chancellery of the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Moldova announcing the completion of the listing procedure. The demolition of the National Hotel was stopped, moreover, the National Hotel was listed in the first phase by the Heritage Commission. The Heritage Alert has been issued with the hope that the Moldova Ministry of Cultural and the Municipality of Chisinau will stop the proposed demolition of the hotel and list the building with the final approval from the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova. Attached is the complete Heritage Alert, and relevant letters to officials.