Triennial Action Plan

We are hereby delighted to share the ISC20C 2024-26 Triennial Action Plan (ISC20TAP26), a program of work that sets out our priority activities for the next 3 years. We are grateful for the work undertaken by our membership and the Bureau who collectively provided input to developing this roadmap and seek your active engagement to reach our collective ambitions.

Our commitment as copresident’s for 2023-26 is to further the engagement of members and EPs through enhanced transparency and communication across all our activities and to strengthen the liaison between the Committee and other ICOMOS subcommittees and working groups.

All our activities aim to support our mission which is to develop the understanding and conservation of the full richness and diversity of 20th Century heritage internationally. Additionally, we have administrative / organizational activities we must fulfill. Our work also needs to align and support broader ICOMOS and ADCOM triennial plans and observe all working protocols and legal requirements of ICOMOS.

Our 2024-26 Triennial Action Plan action continues active initiatives from 2021-23 as well as including new initiatives, in response to our memberships’ interests.

The Bureau is now organized under four work areas of work: Policy, Tools & Resources, Advice & Education, Advocacy & Liaisons, and Communication each led by a pair of Bureau member coordinators see the Bureau organization diagram). The coordinators are responsible for overseeing the initiatives and reporting back to the Bureau and to the membership at the AGM.

The Triennial Plan (ISC20TAP26) presented here identifies the three years goals for each initiative, our initial goals for the next year and outlines opportunities for members and EPs to engage and contribute.

We encourage all our members to examine the Triennial Action Plan, identify how you can engage in activities that interest you, contact the relevant initiative lead and watch out for specific calls for involvement. We would also like to know of projects you are involved with that relate to any of the TAP26 initiatives – please contact the leads.


Grethe Pontoppidan and Susan Macdonald

April 2nd 2024