Heritage Toolkit
A web-based toolkit of reference resources for conserving the Heritage of the Twentieth Century
This on-line reference collection of benchmark “best practice” documents is being progressively assembled by and for members of the ICOMOS ISC20C.
The entries identify the range of work being done world-wide to simultaneously advance the development of heritage principles and technical research that is worth sharing to assist the conservation of Twentieth Century heritage.
The ISC20C toolkit aims to share new methodologies and approaches to conservation practice, by providing access to information and sources that its own members find useful. All ISC20C members are invited to share up to 10 benchmark heritage tools (guidelines, policies, publications, websites) that they professionally use regularly as reference resources – with a brief summary and a hyperlink or PDF where practical (and legal) to make them electronically accessible to everyone.
NOTE: The following thematic classification, under which the benchmark “best practice” documents have been sorted, has been developed using the Getty Conservation Institute publication “Conserving Twentieth-Century Built Heritage: A Bibliography” as an organizing framework.
Contributors from all ISC20C members in every language are welcome.
Section 1: Basic Conservation Principles

Burra Charter : The Australian ICOMOS Charter for Places of Cultural Significance
ICOMOS, 1999
This document is the 1999 revision of the Burra Charter.
Click here to download [163 KB pdf] the Charter from the ICOMOS Australia website.
From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Sheridan Burke

The Illustrated Burra Charter: Good Practices for Heritage Places
Walker & P. Marquis-Kyle, Australia ICOMOS Inc, 2004
The Illustrated Burra Charter outlines the Australia ICOMOS Burra Charter process for cultural heritage conservation. The Burra Charter is extensively applied and used throughout Australia, and has also been applied in countries of Latin America, North America, Europe and Asia.
Click here to visit the ICOMOS Australia website for further details and to download the order form for this publication
From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Sheridan Burke.

Conservation Principles, Policies, and Guidance
English Heritage,
The primary aim of the Conservation Principles, Policies and Guidance is to support the quality of decision-making, with the ultimate objective of creating a management regime for all aspects of the historic environment that is clear and transparent in its purpose and sustainable in its application.
Click here to visit the Historic England website for downloading the publication.
From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Sheridan Burke.

Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties
Technical Preservation Services
National Park Service
The U.S. Department of the Interior
The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties are common sense historic preservation principles in non-technical language. They promote historic preservation best practices to help protect the United States’ irreplaceable cultural resources.
Click here to visit the Technical Preservation Services’ website for more information on the Standards.
From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Gunny Harboe.

Ruins: A Guide to Conservation and Management
Australian Heritage Council, 2013
This guide is designed to be used by government agencies, community groups, private owners and managers of all types of cultural heritage places. This guide is designed to highlight a best practice approach to the management of ruins in Australia. Ruins are potentially important heritage places and effective management is vital to protect their heritage values. The diversity of types of ruins means there are a variety of management options available. This guide has been developed by the Heritage Chairs and Officials of Australia and New Zealand (HCOANZ).
Click here to visit the Australian Government (Department of Environment) website for downloading the publication.
From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Sheridan Burke.
Section 2: Conservation of Twentieth-Century Buildings and Structures

National Register Bulletin 22
Guidelines for Evaluating and Nominating Properties that Have Achieved Significance Within the Past Fifty Years. National Register Publications, National Park Service (NPS), The U.S. Department of the Interior
Click here to visit the National Park Services’ website for viewing the Guidelines.
From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Gunny Harboe.

Heritage Interpretation Policy
NSW Heritage Office, 2005
Guidance on best practice in interpreting heritage places and objects.
Click here to download [84.2 KB PDF] this document from the NSW Government’s Office of Environment and Heritage website, and also see Interpreting Heritage Places and Items [120 KB PDF].
From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Sheridan Burke.

Industrial Heritage Re-tooled: The TICCIH guide to Industrial Heritage Conservation
J. Douet (ed.), 2012
The book is a compilation of the latest approaches to the conservation of industrial heritage presented by around thirty specialists. Some of the topics covered by this publication include: the scope of industrial heritage; re-use and re-purposing; listing and designation; sustainable development; industrial archaeology; museums and collections; documentation and recording; industrial tourism; and historic photographs and archives.
Click here to visit TICCIH website for further information on the publication and ordering a copy.
From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Stuart Tappin.

World Heritage Papers 5: Identification and Documentation of Modern Heritage
UNESCO World Heritage Centre, 2003
In order to gain better understanding, raise public awareness and promote inscription of Modern Heritage, study and evaluation of possibilities, establishment of criteria and selection of properties and sites is needed. To continue and complement the work done by ICOMOS in this field, two meetings were held at UNESCO Headquarters in February and October 2001 respectively to define direction and objectives for a Programme on Modern Heritage. This publication contains the position papers that were written to facilitate the debate during the October 2001 expert meeting. Its aim is to present a framework of conceptual thinking on the significance of Modern Heritage, its preservation and some of the pivotal issues concerning identification and valuation.
Click here to download [1.4 MB PDF] this publication from the UNESCO World Heritage Center website.
From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Sandra Uskokovic.
Section 3: Conservation of Specific Twentieth-Century Construction Materials and Systems

Investigation and Repair of Historic Concrete
NSW Heritage Office, 2003
Practical advice on repairing reinforced concrete.
Click here to download PDF (742 KB) from the NSW Government’s Office of Environment and Heritage website.
From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Sheridan Burke.

Preservation Briefs
Technical Preservation Services, National Park Service, The U.S. Department of the Interior
Preservation Briefs provide guidance on preserving, rehabilitating, and restoring historic buildings. They help historic building owners recognize and resolve common problems prior to work.
Click here to visit the Technical Preservation Services website for more information on preservation briefs.
Click here to visit 15 Conservación de Hormigón Histórico for more information on the standards by Paul Gaudette and Deborah Slaton.
From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Gunny Harboe.
Section 4: Sustainability and Adaptive Reuse of Twentieth-Century Heritage

Design in Context: Guidelines for Infill Development in the Historic Environment
NSW Heritage Office, RAIA NSW Chapter, 2005
Advice on designing high quality buildings in heritage areas
Click here to download [1.4 KB PDF] this publication from the NSW Government’s Office of Environment and Heritage website.
From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Sheridan Burke.

Enabling Development and Heritage Assets
Historic Environment Good Practice Advice in Planning 4
English Heritage, 2020
The Enabling Development Guidance concentrates on those areas of practice that are particular to enabling development – and by extension other proposals where financial viability is a key issue.
Click here to visit the Historic England website for downloading the publication.
From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Sheridan Burke.

Guidance on Heritage Impact Assessments for Cultural World Heritage Properties
The publication offers guidance on the process of commissioning Heritage Impact Assessments (HIAs) for World Heritage properties in order to evaluate effectively the impact of potential development on the Outstanding Universal Value of properties.
Click here to download PDF (4.3 MB) from the website of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS International).
From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Smriti Pant.

Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation & Illustrated Guidelines on Sustainability for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings
Technical Preservation Services, National Park Service, The U.S. Department of the Interior, 2011
Click here to download (2.2 MB) this publication from the Technical Preservation Services’ website.
From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Gunny Harboe.

Statements of Heritage Impact
NSW Heritage Office and Department of Urban Affairs & Planning, 1996 Revised: 2002
Originally published as part of the NSW Heritage Manual
Click here to download (34 KB) this document from the NSW Government’s Office of Environment and Heritage website.
From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Sheridan Burke.

Street Smart: Corporate Development in Historic Town Centres
NSW Heritage Office, 1998
Policy for introducing new businesses into heritage town centres.
Click here to download (4.3 MB) this document from the NSW Government’s Office of Environment and Heritage website.
From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Sheridan Burke.

New Uses for Heritage Places: Guidelines for Adaptation of Historic Buildings and Sites
NSW Heritage Office, RAIA NSW Chapter, 2008
The guidelines provide information about the legislative context in NSW (Australia) for the adaptation of heritage buildings, explain the policies that guide adaptation projects and provide information about how statutory authorities assess such applications. A checklist for applicants and assessors is provided.
Click here to download (4.7 MB) this document from the NSW Government’s Office of Environment and Heritage website.
From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Susan Macdonald.
Section 5: Case Studies of Twentieth-Century Heritage Conservation Projects

Twentieth-Century Heritage Survey Stage 1: Post Second World War (1946-59)
S. Marsden, 2003-2004
This document, prepared for the Department of Environment and Heritage (South Australia) provides an overview history of the events and themes that characterize the physical, cultural and social development of the state of South Australia after World War II and identifies heritage places within this context.
Click here to download PDF (1.47 MB) this document from the website of the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources.
From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Sheridan Burke.

Twentieth-Century Heritage Survey Stage 2: Post Second World War (1928-45); Volume 2.
P. Bell, C. Cosgrove, S. Marsden & J. McCarthy, Historical Research Pty Ltd., 2008
This report, submitted to the Department of Environment and Heritage (South Australia), provides inventory sheets for key heritage places dating from 1928-45.
Click here to download PDF (10.2 MB) from the website of the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources.
From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Sheridan Burke.

Repair Guidelines for Helsinki Olympic Village
Ritta Salastie, Maria Karisto, Hertta Ahvenainen and Niklas Lahteenmaki, City Planning Department of the City of Helsinki, 2014
Built between 1938-1952, the Olympic Village is one of the iconic housing areas of Finnish Modernism and has also been recognized by DOCOMOMO as a significant example of modern architecture in Finland.
The publication provides guidelines for the repair and restoration of the residential buildings and their courtyards in the Olympic Village, which is an area preserved by a protective town plan. The guidelines are meant to ensure that the values and cultural significance of the area are preserved, and that the harmonious townscape is not destroyed.
Click here to download PDF (106.9 MB) from the City of Helsinki website.
From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Riitta Salastie.
Section 6: Other Useful Conservation Resources

Conserving Twentieth-Century Built Heritage: A Bibliography
S. Macdonald & G. Ostergren (eds.), Getty Conservation Institute, 2013
This bibliography includes texts of international, national, and regional significance. It is organized as a subject bibliography and is structured so that users can easily expand upon it as needed to include specific local references or additional subject categories (such as twentieth-century landscape architecture design). This bibliography is focused on English-language literature pertaining to the conservation of twentieth-century buildings and structures, although some non-English-language text that contain abstracts in English have been included. This second edition of Conserving Twentieth-Century Built Heritage contains over 330 new citations, nearly one quarter of which have been published in the two years since the first edition was released.
Click here to visit the Getty Conservation Institute website to download a PDF of this document.
From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Susan Macdonald.

Modern Heritage Properties on the World Heritage List
UNESCO World Heritage Centre, 2012
Provides an overview of modern world heritage properties on the World Heritage List as on July 2012.
Click Here to download PDF (16 KB) from the UNESCO World Heritage Center website.
From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Sandra Uskokovic.

Photographic Recording of Heritage Items Using Film or Digital Capture
NSW Heritage Office, 2001 Revised: 2004, 2006
A checklist for making an archival photographic record, revised in 2006 to include digital photography.
Click here to download PDF (174 KB) from the NSW Government’s Office of Environment and Heritage website.
From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Sheridan Burke.
Regional Meetings on Modern Heritage
UNESCO World Heritage Centre, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
A brief overview of 5 regional meetings on modern heritage organized by the UNESCO World Heritage Centre in collaboration with regional partner institutions between 2002-2005 respectively.
1st Regional Meeting on Modern Heritage, for Latin America, 11 – 13 December 2002
2nd Regional Meeting on Modern Heritage, for Asia and the Pacific, 24 – 27 February 2003
3rd Regional Meeting on Modern Heritage, for Sub-Saharan Africa, 4 – 7 March 2004
4th Regional Meeting on Modern Heritage, for North America, 10 – 12 November 2004
5th Regional Meeting on Modern Heritage, for Mediterranean Basin, 29 – 31 March 2005
From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Sandra Uskokovic.
American Institute of Architects (AIA) on YouTube
From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Gunny Harboe.
Art Institute of Chicago
From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Gunny Harboe.
Canadian Centre for Architecture
From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Gunny Harboe.
Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) on YouTube
From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Gunny Harboe.
The Cultural Landscape Foundation
From personal reference resources of ISC20C member Gunny Harboe.