the twentieth-century historic thematic framework
A Tool for Assessing Heritage Places
The Twentieth Century Historic Thematic Framework (20cHTF) aims to develop, and widely share a historic thematic framework that can be utilized for the identification and the development of inventories for 20th century heritage, to ultimately better recognize, protect and conserve this valuable heritage.
A long-time project of the IS20C, the 20cHTF was catalyzed by the need to assist researchers to identify potentially significant sites by using historic themes to guide research. The framework also sought to support the world heritage listing process, by providing a tool to contextualize places nominated, and assist assessors undertaking reviews, particularly in for comparative analysis. The 20cHTF identifies global themes of relevance to the twentieth century, but can also be used and adapted to regional or national contexts.
The 20cHTF has been developed to promote broad thinking about heritage places from the twentieth century. It identifies and analyzes the principal social, technological, political, and economic drivers that have shaped the buildings, cities, industries, and landscapes of the twentieth century, emphasizing global forces, trends, and phenomena that have shaped the built environment.
The 20cHTF was developed in partnership with them Getty Conservation Institute, who worked with an international advisory group and a team of consultants to produce the publication. It is currently available for free download in English and French; a Spanish version is pending.
Over the next two years the ISC20c will be organizing a series of regional webinars to share the 20cHTF, debate and stimulate its use. Members are encouraged to download, investigate and promote the use of the 20cHTF.
Initiative leaders
Emerging Professional: –