In 2001 a group of ICOMOS members led by Dinu Bumbaru initiated an ICOMOS wide survey to assess the current state of conservation action for Twentieth Century Heritage globally, called MAP20. The survey of ICOMOS National committees aimed to provoke action and engagement to work towards local/national listing/protection and consider tentative World Heritage listings. It was intended that a database and publication would ensue and the outcome would demonstrate the need (or not) for an ISC on Twentieth Century heritage. Supported by US ICOMOS, the MAP20 survey asked 8 key questions and elicited responses from 50 committees, and a list of 600+ sites. Results were predictably uneven regionally, predominantly where ICOMOS committees were active and demonstrated weak legislative protection of C20 places; lack of public awareness/support; deep concern for the un recognized breadth of Twentieth Century heritage places. The need for thematic analysis of the heritage places specific to the Twentieth Century was obvious, as was the need for ICOMOS to become a heritage advocate for the heritage places of the Twentieth Century.

ISC20C was formed in 2005, and several attempts to complete the MAP20 survey and publish outcomes were halted due to lack of resources. In 2021, the ISC20C resolved to formed a MAP2021 working group led by Sheridan Burke to reconceptualise the survey, and examine the current state of conservation action for Twentieth Century Heritage through ICOMOS committee network. The 2022 project will engage specifically with the recently completed ISC20C project Twentieth Century Heritage Thematic Framework which was collaboratively developed and published with the Getty Conservation Institute in 2021. The 2022 survey project is being developed currently to store, analyze and share data more effectively as we redo the survey as a 20 year follow up, with the objective 2023 completion. Please contact Sheridan Burke if you are interested to join the working group.
Sheridan Burke