Weng Hin Ho is founding partner of Studio Lapis, a Singapore-based architectural conservation specialist consultancy with local and overseas projects. He obtained both his BA(Arch Studies) and MArch from the National University of Singapore, and his postgraduate specialist diploma in architectural conservation from the University of Genoa, Italy. Weng Hin is the founding Chair of DOCOMOMO Singapore and a founding Board Director of ICOMOS Singapore. He serves on government advisory committees on heritage policy and planning. Weng Hin’s expertise lies in the areas of heritage site assessment, deterioration analysis of historic building materials, architectural restoration methods, conservation management plans, adaptive reuse design strategies and heritage advocacy, having published and lectured extensively on these subjects. He is an adjunct faculty member of the NUS Department of Architecture since 2010, and recently taught in the inaugural International Course on the Conservation of Modern Heritage organized by the Getty Conservation Institute.
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