Vaidas Petrulis is an architectural historian, currently serving as the head of the Architecture and Urbanism Research Center at the Institute of Architecture and Construction at Kaunas University of Technology. He has published numerous books and articles on the topic of 20th-century heritage, including the monograph “Heritage as a Conflict” (published in Lithuanian, 2019). He was a co-author of the UNESCO WHL Nomination Dossier "Modern Kaunas: The Architecture of Optimism, 1919-1939” (successfully inscribed in 2023), co-curator of the platform “Modernism for the Future” within the Kaunas European Capital of Culture 2022, and head of the Conservation Management Plan for the Chemical research laboratory in Kaunas (funded by the Getty Conservation Institute, 2019). He is a member of ICOMOS ISC20C, DOCOMOMO, and an alumnus of the researcher program of the Baltic American Freedom Foundation (BAFF). Since 2022, he has been a member of the Lithuanian National Commission for Cultural Heritage. He teaches courses on theory, critical analysis of architecture, and value definition of 20th-century heritage. He currently focuses on the heritage of Lithuanian refugee architects in the US and Canada after World War II.
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